ACMS Golden Moments


ACMS Family,

          Now the greatest of these is charity… Some think that love has failed them but it simply is not true. Love never faileth!!!! No love you have ever given or ever will give is wasted. True perfect love is one of passion, intimacy, and commitment. If you love in the “agape” way then you have mirrored the love of God. Loving sacrificially pleases the heart of God, covers a multitude of sins, and blesses all who partake in its wondrous applications. Greater love has no man than this, then that a man would lay down his life for his friends. Most people are too selfish to ever feel or know true love but by this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one to another. I pray that you will feel and know the love of God today and that it will reciprocate in your heart back to God and outwardly to a lost and dying world that will perish without it…Remember that there is no fear in love but perfect love casts out fear. We see the love that you have invested in your children and our students. Thank you so much for loving them and giving us the opportunity to love them as well. In the month of March, we are focusing on COURAGE and we all know it takes courage to love even the unlovable sometimes. Share with your children the times in your life when you have seen courage displayed. Encourage them to be courageous in their lives and to accept the challenges of a life built on love.

                                                                 We are AC!!!!

                                                                                                           Mr. Pitney