Department Staff

Dylan Lambert - Technology Director

Zach Wilbanks - Technician

Tyler Corbin - Technician

Blake Farris - Technician

Matthew Young - Instructional Technologist
Alcorn School District, through the use of technology in tandem with hands-on classroom experiences, teacher lectures, and student guided learning, wants to promote four key principles: teamwork, critical thinking skills, effective communication, and digital citizenship. The Alcorn School District Technology Department, in conjunction with the Office of Superintendent, Special Education, Federal Programs, Career and Technical Education, and Curriculum and Instruction, plans to execute this vision to the best of our ability.
The members of the technology department plan to facilitate the needs of our students, faculty, and staff by continually servicing and upgrading the current technical infrastructure as well as make needed improvements for the sustainment of the learning and teaching process. As a district, we plan to focus on the longevity of our education practices by supporting methods of technical learning that are in line with local, state, and federal standards.To this end, we must strive to provide digitally rich and relevant experiences for our students. Researcher and author Michael Fullan, noted for his work in systemic educational change and the influence of school leadership on student success, suggests there are four criteria for integrating technology and how we teach to produce exciting, innovative learning experiences for all students. These new experiences must be:
Irresistibly engaging for students and teachers
Elegantly efficient and easy to use
Technologically ubiquitous 24/7
Steeped in real life problem solving
The Alcorn School District Technology Department strives to create an equitable learning environment for all. In order for this to occur, we must recognize our current technology status and plan for the place we would like to see ourselves by the completion of this plan. With our current and potential future statuses in mind, the technology department has created a list of goals for the district to be accomplished over the next three years.
Create a true 1:1 learning environment on all campuses.
Increase security measures district wide to include both physical and account security.
Design and manage a network that is capable to withstand an large number of wireless and wired devices while supporting additional task such as streaming, e-gaming, and district wide testing.
Streamline the technical equipment used inside classrooms for the purpose of displaying and interacting with lesson content.
Develop a strong professionally learned community that utilizes concepts gained from training, workshops, and certification courses.
Make a space available for teachers to freely create video and audio content to be distributed for parent engagement, school social media, or classroom instructional purposes.