Senior Info & Dates
Seniors interested in a degree in Education, come by and see Mrs. Talley about information for a scholarship at Mississippi College
North Mississippi Mayors Association Senior College Scholarship - See Mrs. Talley
Please check out these links to all the scholarships available.
Student - list of 20 available scholarships
Coca-Cola Scholars Program - $20,000 Coca-Cola
Christian Leaders of the Future - Christian Leaders - see Mrs. Talley for details
Walker Wilbanks Memorial Scholarship Application - see Mrs. Talley
Corinth Junior Auxiliary Scholarship - (Deadline February 28). see Mrs. Talley for an application
Hagan Scholarship Foundation -( - Deadline Dec. 1)
B.Davis Scholararship. B. Davis Scholarship (deadline May 21)
Voice of Democracy Scholarship (VFW scholarship) see Mrs. Talley (deadline October 31.2023)